Podcasting: $43B in 2032? (Market.us)

Market research company Market.us has gathered podcast statistics from multiple sources and compiled a slate of podcast metrics including this far-reaching projection: The global podcast ad market will grow to $43-billion in 2032.

The chart below illustrates that core prediction, with a breakout of ad types:

An interesting comparison exists between this far-reaching and arguably optimistic forecast, and other projections. Metrics aggregator Statista offers a dramatically more conservative prediction, as shown below. If we look only at 2024, Statista projects worldwide podcast advertising in 2024 to be $4.02 billion. (See below.) Looking back up to the Market.us chart, we see $14.6 billion for 2024. Statista projects out only to 2027 ($5.03 billion), compared to $43 billion from Market.us.

Another shorter term projection comes from the IAB’s Podcast Advertising Revenue Study RAIN coverage HERE). It’s important to note aht the IAB chart is for U.S. podcast ad revenue only, not global. Interestingly, the IAB’s 2025 U.S. projection ($3.9B) is very close to Statista’s worldwide projection for that year.

The upshot? Projections are dependent on inputs and methodology, which can differ substantially.

Brad Hill