Acast has released another round of data about podcast listeners and advertising. The Acast Audio Intelligence Report reviews spending habits for podcast listeners in the U.S. and UK.
The United States infographics reveal that podcast listeners have a strong receptivity to any form of brand message: 60% compared with 48% among consumers of other media. More than three-quarters (76%) take action when they hear podcast ads. Engagement with the advertising brand included 26% visiting a website, 24% seeking additional information, and 14% sharing information online.
Acast also reviewed demographic data about the U.S. podcast audience that might further impact choices for audio advertisers. These listeners have higher salaries and are more likely to have advanced degrees than the average population. They opt to spend more than the average on entertainment each month, including music tickets. The group also spends more annually on travel, vehicles, and technology.
On the UK side, rates of advertising receptivity among podcast listeners were lower than for their U.S. counterparts at 49%, but still exceeded the 39% from people consuming other media types. It matched the 76% rate of taking action when hearing podcast ads. A quarter (24%) visited the website, 18% sought more information, and 18% shared information online.
The demographic analysis revealed the exact same overall trends in the podcasting audience for the UK as in the U.S. Podcast listeners reported higher earnings, higher rates of advanced degrees, higher annual expenditures on travel, vehicles, and technology, and higher monthly spending on entertainment than the general population.
Acast’s conclusions are that podcast listeners in the U.S. and the UK make for appealing targets for advertisers with premium goods and VIP experiences. They are also a promising focus for campaigns centered on brand awareness, word-of-mouth marketing, and increasing web traffic.