Audio monitoring and verification service National Aircheck has evolved its traditionally radio-oriented technology, capable of searching “tens of thousands” of radio stations, and also podcasts.
CEO Robb Wexler explained to RAIN News that his company’s technology promises to customize podcast searching in ways that are uniquely useful to clients such as PR firms, corporate media, and ad agencies. “Instead of searching 10,000 podcasts that MIGHT contain content of interest, we create personalized, customizable groups of podcasts — say 500 Agriculture podcasts — that is far more likely to contain valuable and actionable content for the clients area of interest.,” Wexler explained in an email conversation.
He noted that within the podcast advertising space, National Aircheck could also track and confirm live read ads. In all this, clients receive both edited audio and text.
Bundled into this announcement is a reminder of the company’s legacy business — searching and indexing spoken content in radio broadcasts. Similar to the customized podcast searches, a radio search can be shaped by defined groups of stations, such as those in certain market sizes. Radio and podcast searches can be combined.
National Aircheck was founded in 1988.