Cost of podcast advertising drops to three-year low (Libsyn Ads)

The average cost per thousand (CPM) for podcast advertising in August declined just over three percent from July. According to Libsyn’s monthly reckoning, the average CPM rate for a 60-second ad spot was $21.26 on July 1, compared to $21.69 a month earlier. That per-thousand rate was the lowest in over three years.

The trendline below is from the monthly reckoning by LibsynAds. The black trendline indicates the average of all campaign sizes — it sits at $21.25 CPM (cost per thousand impressions), the second lowest price in the chart’s history.


Note the red line above, which represents the smallest of three campaign scales (campaigns of 1,000 – 9,999 ads). In August that measurement reached a low point in the history of this chart. At its high point (January 2022) the average cost was $28.43.


Source data are HERE.

Brad Hill