James Cridland’s Future of Radio: Every video from Next Radio is now online, plus German DAB takeup

james cridland canvasJames Cridland is Managing Director of media.info, and an Australia-based radio futurologist. He is a consultant, writer and public speaker who concentrates on the effect that new platforms and technology are having on the radio business. Find out more or subscribe at http://james.cridland.net

A belated newsletter this week from James, but for good reason:


Yesterday, Monday, I was at Next Radio. It’s a great conference that Matt Deegan and I have now run for seven years, with a ton of fascinating ideas for radio: that’ll work anywhere in the world.

One of the things that changes is the capability of technology. Seven years ago, it took almost two months to get the videos from the day up on the website. This year, they’re already there. I haven’t even got home yet!

Watch all the videos here – for free, of course. And here’s my presentation on whether radio’s future is live or on-demand, which I’m giving again tomorrow (with an extra slide!) in Vienna.

United States

United Kingdom


  • Trial By Podcast: The podcasting public reviving cold cases – good piece from Corey Layton. There’s no doubt that true crime is a surprising success for podcasting: probably because podcasts are consumed in a less “background” way than radio.
  • Nobody wants to work in radio? Think again. “Enrolments at radio schools like AFTRS and RTI have never been higher.”
  • The Australian ABC launches new revamped audio app. I review it. Lots to like – lots to work on.


James Cridland