Guvera has filed for an IPO in Australia. The streaming service is looking at a market value between $29 million and $58 million on the ASX exchange on Monday, July 18. It reserves the right to accept a an additional $14.5 million in share subscriptions above that valuation. The IPO looks to be a make-or-break moment in determining the company’s future.
Guvera tried a fundraising push for $78 million in April 2015, but was unsuccessful and had to turn to its existing top investor for aid. The company has been facing financial challenges for some time. The prospectus for this new IPO acknowledges the need to succeed in stark terms:
“Should Guvera be unable to raise sufficient capital under the Prospectus, there is a significant uncertainty whether [it]will be able to continue as a going concern and therefore, whether it will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable and to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business and at the amounts stated in the statutory historical and pro forma historical consolidated statements of financial position.”
Guvera’s financial past also includes buying and then quickly trying to sell off Blinkbox Music. The company posted a loss of $61.2 million in the fiscal year ending July 2015, and it has already reported a $19 million loss in the first three months of the current fiscal year. In further bad news, it has suspended service in some markets because one of its main music providers, Omnifone, was recently placed into administration.