Guvera has announced an official launch into the U.S. The platform debuted yesterday with a launch party hosted at its production studio in Los Angeles. The streaming service is based in Australia, but has since expanded to 20 markets and has seen notable success in India. It has a global catalog of more than 26 million tracks and a current audience of more than 14 million listeners.
Guvera runs on a brand-funded model. “Guvera’s focus is to limit the amount of disruptive advertising that is served to listeners and instead deliver targeted content to members who are genuinely interested in engaging with branded content,” the press release promises.
The company recently raised $100 million in financing and is making plans for an IPO. It hasn’t all been smooth sailing, though; the company’s brief and rather messy acquisition of Blinkbox Music was an ongoing story during 2015. With so much competition from streaming services large and small, it’s difficult to predict how the U.S. launch will go for Guvera.
From what I’ve read elsewhere Guvera launched in the US back in 2010 with a NY launch party. Was this some sort of closed beta for 5 years? Confused.
It was actually a different business model back in 2010, but always ad supported. In 2010 is was centered around downloads.
Thanks for the question and the answer.