Billboard launches online radio and music hub in China

Billboard Radio ChinaBillboard has launched an online radio hub and music resource in Asian dubbed Billboard Radio China. The site has several channels for different music types, ranging from Asia Hits to the 90s to Chill. Billboard partnered with Tork Limited to create the new property.

“Tork has already built a strong platform with a dedicated customer base,” said Jonathan Serbin, Billboard’s head of Asia. “Now, combined with Billboard’s assets—music news, charts and access to the most important music events—we believe the station can rapidly become one of the most exciting music destinations in China.”

Intriguingly for a resource targeting Chinese listeners, the music is largely Western and in English. BRC is also producing some talk programming, which appears to be done in English. Local talent is the subject of many of the talk shows, such as interviews with up-and-coming performers and industry experts talking about China’s music scene. The Western angle is also visible on the BRC charts, where most of the highlighted hits are from U.S. and sometimes UK artists. There’s no word on whether Billboard expects to add more content in Mandarin or Cantonese to reach those populations.

Anna Washenko

One Comment

  1. Hi,
    Could you please provide contact person and email address of Tork Ltd. that you mentioned in the above article
    “Billboard partnered with Tork Limited to create the new property.”

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