From Edison Research comes the Kids Podcast Listener Report, a new survey project unveiled today. (DOWNLOAD)
We learn that podcasting has meaningful reach into the 6-12 crowd:
That said, of four audio types Edison compared, kid listening to podcasts was a low number (29%) compared to audiobooks (33%), AM.FM radio (66%), and Online audio services (72%).
Parental involvement with podcasting is influential: The 29% of monthly listening goes up to 42% of kids whose parents are monthly listeners.
Engagement is also impressive: 25% of monthly listeners are “nearly every day” listeners. This appears to be anecdotal, as Edison notes “According to the parents of kid monthly podcast listeners. Edison also enlisted parents to administer the survey to their children.
“Podcast are fun to listen to” — that’s the number-one reason kids give for their involvement (59%). As with adult listeners, the ability to listen while doing other things is favorable to 52% of kid respondents. At the bottom of reasons: “Your teacher makes you listen” (24%).
Games, music, and comedy are the most active listening categories. Money/Finance is the least popular type, unsurprisingly … yet, the nine percent of involvement is also impressive for 12-and-under kids.
There’s a lot more in Edison’s debut Kids/Podcast study. Get it HERE.