BandPage announced several upcoming changes to its feature set as part of its acquisition by YouTube earlier this year. The video platform bought the direct-to-fan service in February. Starting March 1, 2017, several core features of the BandPage service will be discontinued, including public-facing profiles, Facebook applications and integrations, Twitter integrations, and the BandPage store and events. Any content distributed to third-party sites and services via those features will no longer appear on partner platforms and could be deleted.
Many of the features they would have sought out on BandPage are being moved under the YouTube umbrella; the BandPage blog post explains how to create a YouTube artist profile. There has been a push among music content providers to incentivize less passive relationships between their platforms and performers. YouTube acquiring and adding functions from BandPage is just one example. Other streaming music services have explored making analytics dashboards, marketing tools, and live event integrations a bigger part of their value proposition.