9to5Mac has been surveying its readership to assess the crowd reactions to Apple Music. More than 17,400 people have weighed in to the poll so far. Although the responses are naturally skewed with a strong predilection for Apple, the breakdown of where new customers are coming from is insightful.
As of this morning, 33% of respondents said that switched to Apple Music from Spotify, while less than 3% apiece switched from other services, including Beats, Pandora, Rdio, Google Play Music, and Tidal. Nearly 19% said that Apple Music was their first streaming service.
The percentage for first-time streamers is particularly interesting, especially in this Apple-fan demographic, because it implies that Apple is having some success with the approach of converting existing hardware customers to the subscription platform. It would be most insightful to see where that first-timer percentage is for all of Apple Music’s users, but the tech giant usually keeps that type of information close to the chest.
And it’s not a total win in these poll results. Nearly a quarter (22.6%) said they did not use the Apple service. And on the flip side of that first-timer percentage, 17% said they would stop using Apple Music at the end of their free trial.