Webcast listening moves up in September: Triton Webcast Metrics

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Webcast listening in September grew six percent compared to August numbers, according to Triton Digital’s Webcast Metrics Top 20 Ranker, released today.

Mobile listening remained at 74% of all listening in September, same as August, according to Triton’s mobile vs. desktop breakout.

In the top five Triton performers, CBS Radio led on a percentage basis, gaining 14% over the August report. Market leader Pandora, which always tops the Triton listening Ranker, was lifted by 4% over the previous month. As always, we look at Average Active Sessions (AAS) through the Monday-Sunday, 6:00am to midnight filter, U.S. domestic streams only.

The nominal figures, which show the number of average streams, reveal Pandora as the biggest gainer in September, with 74,000 more active streams on average (in a total of just over 2-billion). Spotify nearly matched that increase, with 67,000 more average streams than in August, for an 8% month-over-month gain. Spotify is approaching 1-million average active streams with September’s 937,000 — that is 46% of Pandora’s September number, and the eighth consecutive month in which Spotify has gained on Pandora.

Like last month, AccuRadio was again the year-over-year gainer in listening, rising 35% above September of last year.

Looking at the year-over-year gain for the whole top-20 group is complicated by Spotify’s entrance in the Ranker, starting in January. Removing Spotify’s September’s AAS numbers from the total provides a more realistic snapshot of year-over-year movement of webcast listening generally — in September it was a 5% annual gain. Nominally, looking at sheer number of streams, the annual growth was mostly powered by Pandora (+125,000 average sessions) and iHeartMedia (+33,000 average sessions).


Here is the historical trend chart of the top five leaders:

triton ranker sep2015 leaders

Here is a year-over-year illustration of the Top 20 Triton group, with Spotify added to January, 2015.

triton ranker sep2015 YoY






Brad Hill