VuHaus, the music video discovery platform for public radio, announced that it has added WMNF Community Radio to its programming roster. The station is based in Tampa, Fla., and it will curate a new local page on VuHaus with video content featuring artists such as Selwyn Birchwood, Vanessa Collier, Alejandro Escovedo, and Ari Chi. WMNF joins 22 other public radio stations, including KCRW in Los Angeles and Vocalo Radio in Chicago, on the VuHaus platform.
“We are super excited about joining VuHaus,” said JoEllen Schilke, WMNF’s community relations manager. “It gives us the opportunity to promote the powerful music scene here in the Tampa Bay area to the whole country, and showcases WMNF’s embrace of and passion for live, original music. Plus I get to watch awesome videos on VuHaus all the time now as part of my job.”
“I’m looking forward to adding a community minded station like WMNF to the VuHaus family of stations,” VuHaus Program Director Mark Abuzzahab said. “WMNF does an outstanding job of reflecting the diverse cultures in Tampa and now can bring this great music to a larger audience through VuHaus.”