Stitcher updated its iPhone app, and is promoting the main added feature: a new Front Page that furnishes a personalized feed, or playlist, of the user’s favorite stations. Previously (and still, in the yet-to-be-upgraded Android app), the Front Page section displays new additions to Stitchers catalog of 25,000 spoken-word radio shows. The new iPhone Front Page is designed to get the user listening to preferred shows faster.
Both iOS and Android versions of Stitcher have a different section called My Stations, which is a “favorites” playlist, not dissimilar from the new Front Page. In fact, the presentation of My Stations is more compact than Front Page, and arguably easier to use. But you have to dig into the menu to find My Stations, and the renovated Front Page in iPhones gets you listening right away, and is unquestionably a better way to start the app than in the Android version.
Stitcher promises additional Front Page functions in the future, such as friend feeds.
The new iPhone app is enhanced and improved in other ways. One standout feature is called “episode cards” — they are information panels with details about the show currently playing. There is also a handy Listen Later button. Stitcher has posted a guide to 10 new iPhone app features here.