Sony announced a title shuffle among its top leadership, including some updates for its music division. Four of the company’s top executives have been promoted to corporate executive officers, with executive vice president titles added to their existing roles.
“The executives responsible for executing their assigned business operations under the oversight of the relevant corporate executive officers will be named ‘business executives’ of Sony Corporation,” the press release said, “while the executives responsible for the headquarters functions assigned to them under the oversight of relevant corporate executive officers will be named ‘corporate executives’ of Sony Corporation.”
Michael Lynton, Sony Entertainment and Sony Corp. of America CEO, is one of the promotions. He will now be the corporate executive officer in charge of pictures and music businesses. Sony Music Entertainment CEO Doug Morris and Sony/ATV Music Publishing Chairman and CEO Martin Bandier were also listed among the business executive roles.
These changes are intended to offer support and clarification for Sony’s more general restructuring of its business initiatives. The new structure will take effect on April 1.