Streaming music service Songza updated its personalization features in a new iOS app which dropped into the Apple app store this week. Users can now see a list of their thumbs-up song votes, and play them as a playlist.
That might not seem like a big deal, but it is for Songza addicts. The update notes indicate that this feature was much requested, which is understandable. Songza does have a star system for marking favorites, but it applies to songza “concierge” playlists, not tracks. Most services that use thumb-up and thumb-down votes use those indicators to personalize the song recommendations over time, so the platform gets smarter about your taste. Songza does that, too … but now also gives the user a collection of favorite songs for on-demand playing.
On another note, Songza has reportedly inked a partnership with Songkick, the tour-info service. Songkick recently built a concert scheduling app for the Spotify system, and is making inroads to furnish live-concert info that enhances Internet radio listening.