SiriusXM released its Q3 finance report, announcing $2.17 billion in third-quarter revenue, and $93M in free cash flow.
Digging into the weeds of the publicly available comparative income sheet going back nearly five years, we see small percentages of revenue drops.
Sirius reports two key revenue categories: Subscription revenue and advertising revenue. Subscription money is the larger number by far. Here they are for Q3:
- Subscription revenue: $1.6B
- Advertising revenue: $450M
When we look at those two numbers compared to the previous month, and Q3 of 2023, we see a small amount of slippage.
- Subscriber revenue dipped 5% from year-ago, and one percent from the previous quarter.
- Advertising revenue dipped two percent year-over year, and two percent month-over-month.
Coming up for air, we see the company’s basic overview of four key metrics:
SIRI stock bounced around a bit immediately pre-call and post-call:
The long view covers three decades, and tells a meaningful story of SIRI’s long history across audio’s pre-digital and post-digital epochs: