The American Life has partnered with the Serial team to create a new podcast production business. The first show out of Serial Productions is titled S-Town, and it has two more programs in development.
S-Town is a nonfiction program set in rural Alabama. All episodes of the limited series will be released at the same time in March 2017. Brian Reed, a longtime producer for This American Life, will host the program. Blue Apron and Squarespace are sponsors. Serial co-creator Julie Snyder is the executive producer for S-Town, and the editorial team includes other public media/podcast icons Ira Glass, Sarah Koenig, and Starlee Kine.
“This story takes so many unexpected turns,” Glass said of the new project. “Every episode is a new surprise. And the story has this feeling and mood that’s different from anything else we’ve done. I don’t think people have heard a show like this.”