Jottings of note:
Ana Ormaechea has been named Chief Digital Officer of Prisa Radio in Madrid, leading digital strategy for 27 radio brands in Spain, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico. She was Head of Digital Product at Prisa, and has a podcast background as an award-winning producer and founder of podcast platform Cuonda.
The Llama, Still Getting Kicked
Legendary media player Winamp is up to something. Dominick Milano, SVP at parent company Targetspot (itself a division of AudioValley), says “The past becomes the future” and points his LinkedIn followers to open beta registration HERE. Whatever unfolds is of key interest, as Winamp (the first free-and-easy MP3 player) was a vital key to the development of consumer-friendly online audio. We greatly look forward to knowing more about its reinvention.
Steve Keller
Pandora’s Steve Keller is making a presentation next week in NYC. It’s called “Sounds Incredible! A Sonic Sensploration.” About the power of sound, it’s also a commercial for Mercedes cars, which evidently use sound in special ways. It appears to be free, and is in-person only — no virtual component. Which is the best way to experience Steve’s hat. Info HERE.