Jottings of note:
Fixing It
On RadioInsight, columnist Sean Ross (VP, Music + Programming, Edison Research) conducted a survey of his personal Facebook friends, asking for one step they would take to improve radio right now. Spotload was an obvious and frequent answer, and it appears that most of Sean’s friends — at least his participating friends — are broadcasters. The results are fascinating: From addressing younger listeners to making “live and local” more real, to paying DJs more, to rescinding deregulation. READ
Low Barrier
Jeff Vidler of Signal Hill Insights posts an essay on measuring the potential success of podcast marketing opportunities for brands.”The same low barrier to entry for podcast creators also opens the door to a whole world of ways brands can tap into the deep engagement of podcasts,” he asserts. His discussion ranges from study design to measuring success. “The opportunities stretch well beyond the traditional 30-second or 60-second ads.” READ
October 26, 2023