RAIN Notes: August 12

Jottings of note:


Becoming George

Steve Pratt, co-founder of DifferentiAgent, has published an amusing piece in his ongoing The Creativity Business column. “Become the George Castanza of Marketing and Content” is a smart riff on the Seinfeld episode in which George Constanza goes on an “opposite” binge — acting against all his natural instincts, to immediate personal success. Applied to marketing, Steve itemizes common marketing behaviors that fail (e.g. “Spray-and-pray” reach campaigns, over-focus on short-term ROI, and others.) The opposites? Reach the right people; and making short-term ROI your long-term ROI. The major takeaway? “Interruption becomes earning attention.” Read it HERE.


Audio-First In Changing Times

In Eric Nuzum’s latest The Audio Insurgent column [HERE] the Magnificent Noise Co-Founder establishes a perspective on video production in podcasting. Is audio a destination or a waypoint? he asks as the title of his essay. As one of the most experienced online audio professionals in the field who helped develop podcasting, Nuzum has understandably ambivalent views about video podcasting — “I have incredibly complicated and deep feelings on this,” he acknowledges, and wonders, “Has audio been the destination for a lot of podcasters, or is it just a stop along the way to video?” Any ambivalence he might feel notwithstanding, Eric and his company are making the shift: “We now talk about Magnificent Noise as not a podcasting or digital audio company, but as an ‘audio-first’ company. Times change.” Read it HERE.


August 12, 2024

Brad Hill