Jottings of note:
GPT Perspectives
Eric Nuzum, co-head of the Magnificent Noise podcast production company, had a conversation with ChatGPT about the future of public radio, and shared it via his newsletter, The Audio Insurgent. The conversation is extensive, diving deep into challenges and opportunities. Near the end, Nuzum asks, ““What would your advice be to radio programmers today?” The AI delivered five cogent suggestions focused on audience, content, technology, engagement, and finances. Read it HERE (and scroll down about halfway to the AI transcript).
How To Live-read
Acast is promoting its “How I Work With Brands” series, and the latest installation featuring a conversation with Marc Maron and producer Brendan McDonald. They have a lot to say about synergy with the advertiser, carefully performing live reads that listeners trust, and choosing advertisers carefully. READ
Connecting the Parts
Steve Keller, head of the Studio Resonate division at SXM Media, has posted a piece called “Audio, Advertising, and the Art of the Game.” Partly a pitch for the division he runs, it also evalngelizes audio generally as a kind of marketing avenue for advertisers. “The lines between gaming, movies, and episodic television have blurred, often with audio acting as the connective tissue,” he says. READ