Brief news items and worthy reads from around the web:
Connecting with company podcasts: Molly Beck, CEO of audio and podcasting company, penned an article about the value of company podcasts for employees. She suggested that internal podcasts could help create community and connection among teams, especially for large enterprise operations, as social distancing and quarantine practices continue. “Internal podcasts help pull back the curtain of secrecy and offer the accessibility that employees crave,” Beck said. “This is even more important now that so many large companies have sent their employees home for the foreseeable future.”
Independent musicians’ output grows: Indie artist services companies are reporting spikes in use as performers take advantage of their long hours staying at home to be creative and attempt to launch new releases as an offset to lost live show revenue. TuneCore, Vydia, CD Baby, Soundrop, United Masters, and Ditto all told Rolling Stone that they’d seen increases in activity as a result of social distancing.
Podcast stats about kids from PRX: Loads of podcast companies have been posting their listening data, trying to understand habits and consumption in quarantine. PRX offered a different angle, with a blog post from Chief Marketing Officer Donna Hardwick sharing some of its statistics for children’s content. Over a six-week rolling average of PRX’s kids’ shows, the company found a 50% jump in unique listeners.