Brief news items and worthy reads from around the web:
Bob Lefsetz on Recode Media podcast: Bob Lefsetz is an irascible, straight-talking pundit on digital media, with a focus on music industry changes in the streaming era. His self-published, irregularly produced column is widely read and quoted. As writer, Lefsetz has one of the most distinctive voices around. but what does he actually sound like in conversation? Here’s your chance to find out. Lefsetz guested on the Recode Media podcast, interviewed by Peter Kafka. Listen below:
Innovations at WNYC: Fast Company profiled WNYC about how the public radio organization is finding new ways to innovate. The group has explored avenues such as text messaging to stay relevant in an ever-crowded media landscape. “You have to fight every moment of the day for somebody’s attention,” Executive Vice President and Chief Content Officer Dean Cappello said. “And if you’re not doing that, they’re going to move on to something else.”
Interview with Radiolab founder: The Guardian interviewed Jad Abumrad, founder and co-host of Radiolab, about the state of podcasting and media. “It seems like there’s a big economy out there for the first time,” he said of the present podcasting boom, “But I’m pretty sure supply is outstripping demand right now.” He also had many pointed words for the state of journalism in the wake of the U.S. elections and talked about where podcasts can fill the gaps.
What’s next for political podcasts? A final note on podcasts and politics comes from Wired. This article examines similar topics, such as how so many shows emerged in the lead-up to the November elections, and what role they might play going forward. “Usually, publications would move resources away from politics, but I don’t think we’ll have the usual downturn,” said Jacob Weisberg, editor in chief of Slate Group and host of the publisher’s Trumpcast show.