Pureplay of the Day: Streaming Soundtracks

No music has grander sweep than movie soundtracks. Streaming Soundtracks, one of an Internet-only cluster of stations owned by 24seven.fm. (Others include 1980s.fm, Entranced.fm, Death.fm, and Adagio.fm.)

Inspirating, uplifting, tragic, dramatic, tectonic — movie scores evoke big feelings and events. Listening to this stream makes the work day epic. In honor of Veterans Day today, Streaming Soundtracks is showing a programming emphasis on patriotic movies (e.g. Saving Private Ryan, The Bridge on the River Kwai).

The site engages a bustling community, with a running message box and a focus on requests. Subscribing to the site ($60 per year, or less if you subscribe to one of the sister sites) bestows specialized request benefits, including a timer that counts down to the start time of your request.

An Android app offers mobile streaming of all 24seven.com stations.

Brad Hill