Project Everyone is a mission-based startup that seeks to propogate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which will be released in September. Part of Project’s plan is to launch Radio Everyone, a seven-day “pop-up” radio venture to educate the world’s entire population about hunger, poverty, and climate change, as aligned with the U.N. initiative.
“The simple but mighty ambition of Project Everyone is to share the global goals with 7 billion people in 7 days.” –Project Everyone
Between September 26 and October 2, Radio Everyone will launch a series of short- and long-form programs, distributed through an ad-hoc network of broadcast radio stations. An online Radio Everyone station will focus entirely on the education venture, streaming the longer-form material that won’t easily fit into a commercial station’s programming.
“Radio Everyone will be at the forefront of Project Everyone activity to exploit radio’s unique position as the world’s most accessible medium and harness the collective power of radio broadcasters to communicate the goals to people across the world,” according to the project’s announcement.
“Our mission is to get a short, dynamic and snappy explanation of the global goals onto every website, TV station, cinema, school, radio station, newspaper, magazine, billboard, newsletter, noticeboard, pinboard, milk carton and mobile phone.”
Project Everyone promises that the content will be created by world-famous musicians, broadcasters, and leaders from many fields.
Radio stations in the U.S., U.K., India, Nigeria, Kenya, and Italy have made early commitments to participate. A “range of digital partners” will also be involved. All participating stations will get a Radio Everyone content kit with ready-to-go audio as well as content creation tools and information.
Project Everyone was founded by veteran film writer and director Richard Curtis.
For more information about participating, go to the website, or email to: team / at / project-everyone / org