Panoply Media partners with Veritonic for podcast ad testing

Panoply Media has entered a partnership with audio analytics company Veritonic to examine the impact of podcast advertisements across listener demographics and ad verticals. This is Veritonic’s first partnership with a podcast-exclusive platform, and the deal will take advantage of its machine listening technology. The partnership will allow for A/B testing ads before a campaign goes live across the Megaphone Targeted Marketplace. The pretests will explore the effectiveness of voice, script, keywords, tone, and music in the ads.

For Panoply, the study results will help its advertising partners choose the most effective ad creative for their campaigns across Panoply’s Megaphone Targeted Marketplace (MTM).

The relationship is ongoing, and today’s release includes on preliminary result which compares announcer-read podcast ads with host-read podcast ads. According to this study, announcer-read ads are more effective at boosting purchase intent (+61%) than host-read ads. That might seem surprising in a category famed for the effectiveness of host-performed sponsorship messages. Of course, different studies acquire different results. Listeners in the study characterized the announcer ads as “more authentic, innovative, and modern.”

Ken Lagana, VP and Head of Sales at Panoply Media and a speaker at the upcoming RAIN Podcast Business Summit in New York, observed: “A podcast ad is very different than a streaming audio or radio ad. [In] streaming audio and radio, you’re kind of fighting for a listener’s attention, and so you have to be more disruptive. In podcasting, you already have this very intensely focused listener, so that creative experience needs to be more organic, more natural, and less disruptive.”

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Anna Washenko

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