Nielsen has published a Music 360 report for Canada, revealing growth in streaming as a listening platform. Time spent listening to music via streaming rose from 20% in 2016 to 26% in 2017.
Radio is still the listening format of choice for Canada’s general population with a 37% share of time spent listening, followed by a digital music library at 19%.Digital music libraries topped the list for millennials at 25%, followed by radio at 21% and streaming music videos at 20%.
The report drew further distinctions between the average Canadian listener and millennials, which it counts as people aged 18-34. Across the general audience, 53% of Canadian music consumers are listening on their phones. For millennials, that rate goes up to 79% for 2017. Millennials also posted 42% time spent listening to music via streaming in 2017, up from 34% in the previous year. This age group also had a different set of choices for share of time spent listening by format.