In the current Chart of the Week from Borrell Associates, we see local ad buyers’ best sources for new customers. And we learn that referrals from customers, as a source type, is favored over 12 channels of advertising. Those ad types represent a wide spectrum of marketing, from Facebook to billboards, TV to direct mail. (See the chart below.)
Borrell emphasizes a specific comparison: The referral preference wins over social media marketing 58% to 44%.
We note that online audio advertising is not included as a preference option. But AM/FM radio is — it captured just 12% of preference.
Perhaps the biggest eye-opener is YouTube, which slumps to dead last in this ranking, preferred by only three percent of surveyed local ad buyers. We might speculate that YouTube, gargantuan powerhouse that it is, is not top-of-mind for regional targeting.
Chart below; Get the source HERE.