The average cost per thousand (CPM) for podcast advertising in September dropped three percent from August. According to Libsyn’s monthly reckoning, the average CPM rate for a 60-second ad spot was $21.37 on September 1, compared to $22.04 a month earlier. That per-thousand rate was the lowest in 52 months, and only one month in Libsyn’s 57-month tracking chart (below) shows a lower monthly CPM (September 2020; $21.06).
The trendline above is from the monthly reckoning by LibsynAds. The black trendline indicates the average of all campaign sizes — it sits at $21.37 CPM (cost per thousand impressions), the second lowest price in the chart’s history.
Note the red line above, which represents the smallest of three campaign scales (campaigns of 1,000 – 9,999 ads). In September that measurement reached a low point in the history of this chart — CPM = $20.67. At its high point (January 2022) the average cost was $28.43.
Libsyn informs us of the three highest CPM categories in September (based on delivered advertising):
- Government ($31)
- Technology ($29)
- Health & Fitness ($24)
Source data are HERE.