James Cridland’s Weekly Links: Does DAB crash cars? London pirate radio. More.

James Cridland is Managing Director of media.info, and a U.K.-based radio futurologist. He is a consultant, writer and public speaker who concentrates on the effect that new platforms and technology are having on the radio business. Find out more or subscribe at http://james.cridland.nets

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My articles

United States

United Kingdom

The rest of the world

  • France: Fip changes streaming URL, and as Giles Booth notes, they really want you to listen… check out the detail in their “listen now” page.
  • Netherlands: Hybrid radio: why we need it today – Tommy Ferraz speaks sense, as ever
  • Bloated public service broadcaster under threat from unpaid licence-fees and government sell-off. No, not the BBC: Italy’s RAI.


James Cridland