James Cridland’s Future of Radio: Shortcut from This American Life; broadcast radio engineers are old; Noel Edmonds plans radio stations; TESLA ARE GREAT

James Cridland is Managing Director of media.info, and an Australia-based radio futurologist. He is a consultant, writer and public speaker who concentrates on the effect that new platforms and technology are having on the radio business. Find out more or subscribe at http://james.cridland.net

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James Cridland’s articles

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  • Hong Kong – turns out that radio’s ‘shared experience, human connection’ is also relevant for social media
  • France: total bids to run DAB multiplexes in the country? 128. Wow.
  • Europe – EBU New Radio Day explores ways to enhance live listening – an overview of a conference in Spain. A ‘future of radio’ type event, but one that appears to be a little confused about whether live radio means “produced live” or “live broadcast”; and rather paints the radio industry as a transmitter operator.
  • The Netherlands: The Dutch reckon that 70% of their listeners will be using digital radio by 2023.
  • Latvia: trialling DAB+ – I always get confused why countries ‘trial’ proven technology, but if it helps get it adopted I guess it’s a good thing
  • Austria: Wow. Finally, there’s a car manufacturer with FM, DAB and IP in the same preset list. It’s Tesla – and here’s a look at it. I’m rather sad this is right at the bottom of my newsletter this week, because this is astonishingly good news.

James Cridland