James Cridland’s Future of Radio: NPR future continues being debated, plus ‘bye bye breakfast radio’

James Cridland is Managing Director of media.info, and an Australia-based radio futurologist. He is a consultant, writer and public speaker who concentrates on the effect that new platforms and technology are having on the radio business. Find out more or subscribe at http://james.cridland.net

james cridland radio futurologist 300wJames Cridland’s Articles

United States


  • Community radio making short-form audio, using comedy, starring kids. Great for those stations, but also great content for podcasts and Facebook.
  • Required listening for radio folks everywhere – Craig Bruce ‘s new Game Changers podcast
  • Video: a brand new radio automation system… from 1976.
  • Data: figures for streaming, including Spotify, iHeart, TuneIn and Pandora, in Australia.
  • Indie Magonomics” from Kai Brach – very interesting piece about how indie magazines work financially. I always learn a lot from dipping into other industries, and learning their costs and opportunities. I particularly like his approach to advertising.

United Kingdom

  • Worthwhile reading the comments to this tweet from LBC, not just the (interesting) tweet itself. Note the reporter’s professional radio recording equipment. (I’m not being catty – I mean it!)
  • On my TV licence renewal it said “please do not write below this line”. Someone else wondered why. – and, lest you think this is just a bit of fun, it’s a serious lesson about customer service.

James Cridland