We were tipped over the weekend by Robert Maccini, who notified RAIN that he had heard an iTunes Radio commercial on a Boston FM station, WKLB. This persistent gentleman then stalked the WKLB signal until he heard the ad again, and pounced with a recording device to document the collision of broadcast radio and Internet radio.
This is what he heard:
Maccini notes that the ad copy appears to be generic, and part of a multi-station campaign: “The ads aired on WKLB-FM, Boston, a Greater Media radio station … [it] is a Country formatted station but the ad mentions Stone Temple Pilots, so the ad was not customized for this station.”
We reached out to WKLB and Greater Media with a query, and received this comment from Heidi Raphael, VP of Corporate Communications at Greater Media: “Our listeners consume music in different ways. We engage them digitally through our stream, station website and our station apps. iTunes is a part of that experience for our listeners. They hear new music on us and download the songs from iTunes. iTunes radio is an extension of that lifestyle and it will happen with or without us. We’d rather cross-pollinate with technology wherever we can.”
‘…it will happen with or without us. We’d rather cross-pollinate with technology wherever we can.” Really?! While we acknowledge the use by our listeners of a variety of technology, are we better served by taking a few pieces of silver to drive people AWAY from consuming our own programming?? I find the statement disingenuous double-talk and wonder if Peter Smyth feels that way.
This is a truly forward thinking radio station. I’m proud of them!
One of the brilliant items i have read in the