iStreamMedia partners with Radionomy for streaming and licensing

istreammedia logoiStreamMedia, an Internet radio directory and streaming-music company, announced that it has partnered its iStreamRadio division with Radionomy’s online radio platform. iStreamRadio is a directory service that highlights online-only pureplay stations, and was launched in June of this year.

At the same time, Radionomy gains a new client for its streaming backbone, which already powers over 55,000 online stations across the legacy Radionomy directory, and the SHOUTcast array of stations acquired in January.

iStreamMedia’s Pattky sees the deal as a key to expansion: “This is the type of partnership that will allow us to build and expand our iStreamMusic digital channels.” Patky also referred to two upcoming relaunches — and — both of which are under iStreamMedia control, and will apparently be facilitated by the Radionomy deal.

Radionomy stations will gradually be included in the iStreamRadio directory, according to iStreamMedia EVP Kevin Lee Pattky: “Many are already on there of their own accord.”

iStreamMedia was started in 2012. In addition to iStreamRadio, the company operates iStreamMusic, a public-facing music-streaming site with a collection of six house-curated stations.

Brad Hill