How many consumer studies of audio and digital lifestyles did Edison Research conduct in 2019? Your guess might be low. the catchphrase might be “19 in 19,” because that’s how many research projects Edison has collected for this year in a retrospective.
“In the spirit of end-of-year recaps and list-making and general reflection on the previous twelve months,” Edison writes, “we would like to take a moment and look at some of the major studies produced by Edison Research with partners including Triton Digital, NPR, and PodcastOne, in 2019. With topics ranging from digital media usage and smart speakers to podcasts and radio, 2019 was a year filled with major findings.”
The company’s headline projects that most RAIN know are The Infinite Dial (with Triton Digital) — but you might have forgotten that the Infinite Dial franchise has editions for Australia, Canada, Germany, and South Africa. There is The Podcast Consumer for podcasting and The Smart Audio Report and The Spoken Word Audio Report (with NPR).
Scroll down this consolidation page for many that you might now have explored during the year: Moms and Media 2019, Parents, Teens & Country, and Edison SVP Tom Webster’s keynote presentation at Podcast Movement 2019.