DJ tech solutions provider Dubset has released a piece of software which makes it easy and quick for DJs and remixers to puts their sets into music services. The API (application programming interface) sends the sets, which comprise multiple tracks mixed into a seamless whole, into Dubset’s music identification and licensing technology. That clears each of the tracks, and the whole set, for distribution with proper licensing. In this scheme, Dubset is acting as an automated licensing agent.
The solution seeks to solve not only a legal issue, but also a distribution dilemma. Mixes that don’t undergo any licensing scrub bounce out of the services almost immediately.
Dubset’s technology is called MixBANK. The company recently paired with SoundCloud — a natural client for this system, as the platform is rich with unique hour-long music mixes.
Stephen White, Dubset’s CEO, remarked to Music Business Worldwide that a recent survey estimated the audience for mixed and remixed music at 750-million. That’s a big market for which to solve a distribution bottleneck.
Dubset also has agreements with Tidal, Spotify, and Apple Music for distribution of mixes.