Commercial Radio & Audio (CRA), the chief industry body for commercial radio broadcasters in Australia, has partnered with Triton Digital to release the Australian Podcast Bi-annual Report. (Signal Hill Insights is also credited in small print as a research contributor.) The 10-page public-release presentation covers podcast listener trends for the first half of 2024.
In the public deck’s 10 pages, seven of them deliver metrics. The first and broadest growth metric, in this and most podcast audience measurements, is monthly listening. Here, we learn that average monthly listening in Australia has grown 8.7% year-over-year. That acceleration is fueled by the 18-34 cohort more than any other age group. Men prefer Comedy and Sports categories; women like True Crime, Society & Culture, and Health & Fitness.
Weekday listening far cleanly surpasses weekend listening. There is a clear morning drive trend when asking respondents about their favorite times to listen:
Australian listeners, like those in other regions, listen to podcasts on their phones — over 93% say this. We wonder whether the seemingly inherent mobility of podcasting needs to verified in future surveys.
An interesting graphic breaks out podcast groups by download levels, and puts that info next to monthly podcast listener demographics:
Note how podcast listeners over-index against the general population in two income brackets. This information is important to advertisers, naturally, and the deck’s next slide dives deep into micro-indexing podcast listeners by income, show type, and listener inclination to purchase things — even deep-diving into what certain groups are likely to buy — from groceries to tech stuff.
Again, the graphic presentation is freely available HERE.