Bridge Ratings released data about the podcasting trend, sharing audience data so far for 2016. According to their findings, 30% of study participants have ever listened to a podcast. That proportion rose to 45% for the 18-34 age group.
However, the numbers fell off when participants were asked about podcast consumption within the last 30 days (15%) and even lower for the last week (10%). In the 18-34 group, 30% had listened in the last 30 days and 19% in the last week.
That demographic also expressed strong interest (70%) in consuming podcasts through the same models as online music listening. They voiced a 52% interest in listening to at least one podcast in the next month under that structure. “Bridge Ratings has found a rising tide of opinion by average audio consumers that asks the question: Why aren’t podcasts streamed like music?,” the company said.
The research covered a sample of 4,200 people aged 12 and over.
The focus on the legacy download model is hindering podcast audience and revenue growth. A shift to a streaming model will open up both advertising inventory and access to new advertisers. Even when streaming is available (as it increasingly is), few podcasters even promote it as an option to their audience. Here is some analysis we did at XAPP on six strategies to grow podcast revenue and audience.