Steve Goldstein: Podcasting’s Multiplatform Imperative

by Steve Goldstein

In his latest guest column, Steve Goldstein shares insights from students in his Business of Podcasting course at NYU. Most notably, these students consume podcasts in many venues, from Tik Tok to Spotify to YouTube. The lesson for podcasters? Keep students in mind. “For most podcasters, relying on a single platform for distribution is no longer sufficient.” Continue Reading

Steve Goldstein: Sound to Screen: How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck

by Steve Goldstein

In his latest guest column, Steve Goldstein gives the verbal stage to Steve Stockman, President of Custom Productions. He lays out a course of best practices for podcast videos. There is a difference between a podcast on YouTube and a YouTube podcast — and the difference lies in keeping the visual aspect interesting. “Video is a language.” This piece holds to high standards, but at low cost, and leans on the science of attention in visual presentations. An extraordinarily valuable and bracing interview. A must-read. Continue Reading

Steve Goldstein: Why Programmatic Ads Are Vital For Podcasting

by Steve Goldstein

In his latest guest column, Steve Goldstein makes this observation: “Podcast monetization and the concentration of dollars chasing a relatively small number of shows is a big problem for our industry.” In a powerful interview with Christiana Brenton, Acast’s U.S. Head of Sales and Brand Partnerships, these two experts discuss the revenue concentration in podcasting: According to Edison Research, advertisers can reach half of all weekly listeners with just 44 podcasts. Steve calls this “a frightening stat and a systemic problem.” Christiana Brenton calls this “an inflection point” for ensuring a sustainable long-term medium. A must-read. Continue Reading

Steve Goldstein: How Much Impact Will The NY Times Podcast App Have?

by Steve Goldstein

In his latest guest column, Steve Goldstein provides the most insightful and comprehensive analysis of the new NYT Audio app that we have seen (including ours). “There is a virtual mobile graveyard loaded with podcast apps that promised everything from socialization to audio clipping to better recommendations.” Can The New York Times succeed? A must read. Continue Reading

Steve Goldstein: Belt-tightening will be good for podcasting

by Steve Goldstein

There is a lot of chatter about the new era of “efficiency” in business today, says guest columnist Steve Goldstein. “Going forward, the podcast business will be scrutinizing everything more closely,” he notes. Good? Bad? Goldstein observes a shift to quality over quantity. Click for more. Continue Reading

Steve Goldstein: Steve Pratt thinks most podcast marketing is wrong

by Steve Goldstein

In this latest installment of the Amplifi Media blog, Steve Goldstein interviews Steve Pratt, the founder and ex-CEO of Pacific Content. The conversation vectors into branded podcasts, naturally, as both Steves have a long history producing that format. Click through to read the whole thing, including the marshmallow test and a legenday John Houseman ad. Continue Reading

Steve Goldstein: Podcasting is doing fine; thank you

by Steve Goldstein

In the latest guest column from Steve Goldstein, he observes the more things change, the more they remain the same. Contrary to shaded scenarios currently in vogue, podcasting is “a healthy, but maturing and evolving business,” according to Steve. Less spaghetti thrown against the wall, please, and more rigor. It’s a good read. Continue Reading