Global podcast network Audioboom has created a self-serve global marketplace which joins podcasters and advertisers.
Audiboom says that SHOWCASE represents over 250-million podcast impressions per month for ad buyers. On the sell side, Audioboom is providing podcasters with over 2,000 advertisers, and what the company calls a “programmatic ecosystem that reaches 25 Demand Side Platforms.”
Back to the buy side. Those 250-million impressions are spread over 8,000 podcasts, served to 30-million monthly active users. A bit of math tells us that the total portfolio delivers 8.3 ads per listener each month, on average.
The self-serve aspect enables advertisers to build and submit campaign requests directly to SHOWCASE.
With this launch, Audiboo bifurcates its offering to advertisers. SHOWCASE is the at-scale play, mostly delivered through self-service. Atop that is the Premium Network, in which the top 250 podcast hosts deliver brand endorsements natively via a more bespoke advertiser approach.
SHOWCASE does integrate with Ad Rip, one of the cleverest podcast tech innovations in recent memory, where back-catalog shows can be re-monetized by pulling out original ads and replacing them with new campaigns. (See RAIN coverage HERE.) Audioboom says that Ad Rip activations created 40-million additional impressions in Q3 2021.
“SHOWCASE is the next stage in our goal to simplify podcast advertising for creators and brands, while delivering the scale and efficiency that marketeers require,” says Stuart Last, CEO. “Our marketplace consolidates the demand side and consolidates the supply side, utilizing our best-in-class ad tech to deliver incredible value to both sides.”