Bite-sized audio platform Clammr announced that it is closing on July 2. The company shared the decision in a tweet on Wednesday. Clammr offered tools to create 24-second audio clips. These were intended as samples for podcasters to provide teases of their shows. Podcast listeners could browse clips to get a sense of whether they wanted to commit to a full episode. The clips could be shared to social platforms to help boost a podcast’s visibility.
“Thank you for all of the creativity and joy that you have shared with the world using Clammr,” the company said in an update to their user guide announcing the shutdown. “We’ve been inspired by the community every day and cherish having had the opportunity to get to know so many amazing and talented people.”
RAIN News reached out to co-founder Parviz Parvizi for a comment, and he told us, “I feel fortunate for being in position to take a swing at something like Clammr. I feel even more fortunate to have gotten to know so many wonderful folks in the audio community by virtue of working on Clammr.” He added that disappointing the user community was the biggest worry for Parvizi and his team, and that many of those users had written notes expressing thanks and best wishes.
Any Clammr users who want to keep their audio clips can review the user guide for steps on saving those files.
Clammr is shutting down as of 2 July. Info on downloading backups at Thanks & best wishes to our great community!
— Clammr Radio (@ClammrApp) June 28, 2017