Apple detailed its plans for revising category options in its podcast app back in June. Today, the new classification system is rolling out. The update includes changes to both top-level categories and subcategories. In some cases, such as True Crime or Fiction, the taxonomy is completely new. In other cases, such as News or Sports, the category is replacing a previous, broader version of a topic.
All categories were removed from the podcast platform for more than a week in advance of today’s launch.
In addition to the new approach to sorting shows within the podcast app, listeners will find programming such as top podcasts, new programs, and subcategories. Apple has also added some curated content such as “long-running shows” and “more to explore.”
Apple remains the dominant force in podcast listening, even as Spotify and other independent platforms grow in popularity. Many podcast creators have been lobbying for better discovery options, especially from Apple. The addition of curation within the podcast categories could give more shows a chance to be seen by listeners browsing the Apple app, although it’s a very small step for podcasts that need help to find their audience.