Kurtr Hanson, founder of RAIN, AccuRadio, and CoronaVirusWatch.com
CoronaVirus Watch, a resource website and joint project of AccuRadio and RAIN, has left its beta launch and is now receiving thousands of visitors attracted to its concise and comprehensive presentation of essential updates.
The mission of CVW is to provide a broad range of essential information in an exceptionally usable and carefully organized fashion. Highly curated, it presents news, resources, and tips from dozens of sources to help people everywhere through the COVID-19 crisis.
Kurt Hanson’s streaming music site AccuRadio was one of the first radio industry firms and one of the first Chicago companies to close its office and ask employees to switch to working from home in support of “social distancing.”
At that time Hanson tried thinking of something we could contribute to the cause of fighting the spread of COVID-19 that used our particular skill sets, and this idea came up — a website that would provide a curated summary of news, opinion pieces, videos, podcasts, and other resources relating to the COVID-19 crisis. the result is an AccuRadio/RAIN collaboration. [GO TO THE SITE HERE.]
“We know there’s already a lot of news out there — maybe even information overload,” Hanson said, “but is there a segment of the population that would appreciate the information organized and synthesized? Especially if it includes links to great articles in lesser-read publications and videos that they might otherwise miss?” The result is a web resource that combines quick-response journalism (no paywalls), videos (mostly informative; some fun), statistics, answers to reader questions, and a “How can I help others?” resource — plus much more.
“I am a news junkie, partly because of my job and partly because of the way I am,” said RAIN President Brad Hill. “I’m capable of digging deep into gnarly websites strangled with pop-up ads, but CoronaVirus Watch is intended to be a relief from all that, with much more bedrock information that people need every day.”
Broadcasters, webcasters, and/or podcasters are invited to promote this site on their broadcasts or digital properties (in which case we’d of course tone down the AccuRadio branding and could add links to their properties). Contact Kurt Hansons (kurt@accuradio.com) and/or Brad Hill (brad@rainnews.com) if you’d like to join in this effort.