The coronavirus surveys and data continue to come fast and furious. The latest edition is a detailed set of infographics from Visual Capitalist. The company collected data from the Global Web Index about how different age groups have been changing their media consumption during the pandemic.
Overall, more than 80% of consumers in the U.S. and UK said they consume more content since the virus spread. The biggest increase for most people has been in searching for updates about the coronavirus.
Gen Z was the outlier, with 71% saying they are listening to music and 67% checking pandemic news. This group, covering ages 16 to 23, also showed definite trends when asked what media they have started consuming or are consuming more of. Online videos got 51% of the responses, followed by 38% for online TV/streaming and 31% for video games.
The Millennial group had a broader spread of increased media. Online videos were the top response again with 44%, but more closely trailed by online TV/streaming at 41%. Online press had a 36% share, while music streaming and broadcast TV each had 35%.
Podcasts saw increases for all the age groups. Millennials had the largest with 20%, Gen Z had 11%, and Gen X had 10%. Baby boomers had just a 4% response for podcasts.