StreamGuys, a content delivery network and streaming media provider, announced the launch of a new service for monitoring Internet stream host status. The tool is called IsMyStreamUp, and it is an automated service to track whether any online stream, content asset, or workflow is up and running correctly.
Users can configure alerts for stream status on a simple web dashboard. Alerts are sent to the specified contacts as soon as a site or resource being monitored goes down, then again when it is back online. The resource is a less expensive, self-serve option for customers who aren’t using more full-service StreamGuys products.
“Ensuring stream integrity and accessibility is important for audience retention and advertiser satisfaction for every Internet Radio outlet, but not every streaming operator needs our traditional hands-on, white-glove service,” StreamGuys COO Jonathan Speaker said. “IsMyStreamUp makes automated, 24/7 stream monitoring easier and more accessible for users who previously thought such services were too much work to manage themselves, or too expensive for their business model.”