Radioplayer is looking to find a new provider for its technology and support contract. The collaborative radio platform is accepting bid applications until January 29, 2018, and the three-year contract has an anticipated start date of the second quarter of 2018. This contract would provide behind-the-scenes services in infrastructure support and maintenance, software support and development, platform re-development, and international deployment for Radioplayer.
“The technology that drives Radioplayer is critical to our success and growth and the services we are able to deliver to our customers and their consumers,” said Lawrence Galkoff, general manager for Radioplayer Worldwide. “Finding the right technology supplier will be a key partnership in helping us continue to innovate on behalf of radio.”
Radioplayer delivers radio to millions of listeners a month across eight countries, most recently adding Canada. It covers platforms such as web players, apps, car dashboards, and smart speakers.