Pureplay(s) of the (holi)Day

POTD 02 canvas 160wMerry Christmas! Here are three totally different listening experiences for The Big Day and The Big Day Eve.

Forever Christmas Radio

Difficult as it might be to discern what this station is all about, it is recordings of whale songs in the Pacific. Kidding. It’s Christmas music, of course, and the most predictable of today’s selections. Even so, the mix is nicely varied, and it might be the final resting spot of our restless Christmas station surfing. We’ve heard Debbie Gibson, Chuck Berry, Hanson, REO Speedwagon, Lady Antebellum, Burl Ives, and Clint Black. This station moves across eras, and from the sacred to the secular, with effortless aplomb.


Particularly effective at alienating bothersome relatives, this Polish electronica outfit puts out hardcore Christmas energy. Go for it if you like huge, pounding mixes. The website is decoarted prettily for the holiday, and there’s a warm, sincere spirit behind the loud.

ABC Christmas Dublin

It’s not Irish music. What made you think it was? Oh, the station name. Well, despite that, ABC Christmas Dublin streams a mostly American playlist of tremendous scope and variety. Nat King Cole, Paul McCartney, Mario Lanza, Bing Crosby, Bryan Adams, Doris Day.

Brad Hill