NPR releases finalists in Student Podcast Challenge for college students during Covid

NPR has launched a few student podcast challenges, and the most recent is targeted to college students for the first time. Fascinatingly, the contest intersected the Covid pandemic. That collision might have given students more time to focus on audio projects, and definitely influenced the content. We see (well, hear) introspection in thd finalists  which NPR announces today.

There are 10 of them, from which NPR will cull “grand prize winners” (note the plural, though we don’t know how many) and honorable mentions. In a different student challenge, over 6,000 audio pieces were submitted.

Below is a list of the finalists, which you can also bookmark HERE.

Tale of Two Crawfish

By: Brian Le, Emory University

A Postcard

By: Elijah McKee, Skidmore College

He’s Just 23 Chromosomes

By: Anya Steinberg & Danny Archibald, Colorado College

When Time Slows Down

By: Gabriela Santana, Hassan Fields & Joshua Gordon, Virginia Commonwealth University

Let’s Do The Time Warp

By: Lennon Sherburne, Simmons University

Subway Symphony

By: Bennett Cook, Buffalo State College

Competition With The Best

By: Miriam Colvin, Penn State University

Transgender Rights in Small-Town Iowa

By: Savannah Kelley, Northwestern University

Men, Well Done

By: Andrew Zacks & Brenda Theresa Hayes, Princeton University

Music by: Charlie Zacks

PWI-ing While Black

By: Lena Diasti, Hope Houston, Chase Leito, Daisy Okoye, Dinah Clottey, Jonathan Brooks, University of Chicago


Brad Hill