Sarah van Mosel, one of the most sought-after and respected voices on the business side of podcasting, and Sarah Shockey, the popular co-host of hit program Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling, have confirmed to speak at the RAIN Digital Audio Advertising Summit.
In a panel session titled Podcasting 2017: What We Know and Where It’s Going, van Mosel and Shockey will bring two perspective to the conversation. Sarah van Mosel, Chief Podcast Sales & Strategy Officer at Market Enginuity, holds enviable experience developing the monetization of podcasting. She was Director of Underwriting, and later Vice President, Sponsorship at WNYC, and migrated a few blocks from there to the New York office of Swedish podcast company Acast when it launched its U.S. expansion at the end of 2015. At Acast, van Mosel was Chief Commercial Officer.
As co-host of Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling, Sarah Shockey is a lively conversation partner, and the show’s popularity is earned as much by host chemistry as by its sports expertise — think of Car Talk for wrestling.
RAIN’s Digital Audio Advertising Summit is April 12 at the Chicago House of Blues. The half-day event concentrates on the values and benefits of digital audio advertising in internet radio, music services, and podcasting. CLICK HERE for information on speakers and registration.